Freedom of expression Many people who post in the forum
. Is many complaints about the game, or performance of the team, and these complaints are deleted or even ban notices . In this life there is something called freedom of expression where you can show no disrespect to anyone, all those things you think, and those opinions are about something like a game.
's why we've assembled a group of friends who know the
since its inception . We know its good, but we also know that it lacks many things and that is bad enough. Will realize some questions that many people will probably daily.
What gives you the
When looking for a GM How long does it take to serve you?
When you steal the account back?
When you judge the game in the wrong forum. How much does it take to clear your complaint?
When they ban you without any infringement Do you get that you remove the ban?
time ago fell servers and all accounts that were on were damaged and nobody was able to use them again. People who had left a fortune of euros into their characters, did not recover anything or anyone returned the money.
If we did surveys of people who have used the phone, sent sms and other leaving a paste without receiving their purchase would realize the number of people affected.
There are many reviews on internet about these topics, and I think it's time to meet anyone harmed by this game and give our point of view without fear of aftershocks, without you erase your writing.
why we created this page and we will leave us all in it to make people think twice before entering a game that even giving it all to end what you get is a disappointment.
forum Since you can not say or claim and resolves all saying go to IRC to mourn, no need to mourn for or go to the IRC to tell you I can not do anything or you may not be any attention.
And if you think it pays to be recorded in a forum where you get errors just by giving your opinion, MODS, SMOD, BA, are normal people like us, but they believe that having a control panel and can do they please. Power is bad, sometimes you make use of it to feel superior.
If you have been banned without reason, if you have stolen the character, if you have stories and opinions about the game, before going off steam to the forum which will not last 5 minutes your post, come here. An individual complaint is not the same power as a complaint mass. 1,2,3
Not only are people affected by this game. Not thousands.
They are able to ban by banning, removing decoupling problems over people who want to play. Now we have to make a move to us:)
The union is strength, and we have many reasons for which you do see the Internet network and the whole world the reality of