Saturday, January 31, 2009

Angel Of Death Peyton

Creation Guestbook

Comment On The Metin2

Seeing the success you are having this blog in 4 days and all requests made to create a guestbook in a position to express themselves and provide extensive reviews on the game, administraccion page created the guestbook. This book
can say with absolute freedom good or bad does not erase any post to provide opinion on the game, all those posts that are spam or not within the agenda of the guestbook will be deleted automatically.
I hope this book gets too far like this page.
All ideas and contributions to the blog are welcome.

Guestbook: Click Here

Many people enthusiastically making this blog and contributing ideas to it. And we are in the process of creating a project to better express the opinions of everyone on the

Greetings and thanks follow-up for your blog, will not stop updating it every day. Even
too many topics of interest to discuss.

The Administraccion

Friday, January 30, 2009

Blood Vessels In Mouth

Freedom of expression

Many people who post in the forum metin2 . Is many complaints about the game, or performance of the team, and these complaints are deleted or even ban notices . In this life there is something called freedom of expression where you can show no disrespect to anyone, all those things you think, and those opinions are about something like a game.

's why we've assembled a group of friends who know the since its inception . We know its good, but we also know that it lacks many things and that is bad enough. Will realize some questions that many people will probably daily.

What gives you the metin2?
When looking for a GM How long does it take to serve you?
When you steal the account back?
When you judge the game in the wrong forum. How much does it take to clear your complaint?
When they ban you without any infringement Do you get that you remove the ban?

time ago fell servers and all accounts that were on were damaged and nobody was able to use them again. People who had left a fortune of euros into their characters, did not recover anything or anyone returned the money.
If we did surveys of people who have used the phone, sent sms and other leaving a paste without receiving their purchase would realize the number of people affected.

There are many reviews on internet about these topics, and I think it's time to meet anyone harmed by this game and give our point of view without fear of aftershocks, without you erase your writing.

why we created this page and we will leave us all in it to make people think twice before entering a game that even giving it all to end what you get is a disappointment.

forum Since you can not say or claim and resolves all saying go to IRC to mourn, no need to mourn for or go to the IRC to tell you I can not do anything or you may not be any attention.
And if you think it pays to be recorded in a forum where you get errors just by giving your opinion, MODS, SMOD, BA, are normal people like us, but they believe that having a control panel and can do they please. Power is bad, sometimes you make use of it to feel superior.

If you have been banned without reason, if you have stolen the character, if you have stories and opinions about the game, before going off steam to the forum which will not last 5 minutes your post, come here. An individual complaint is not the same power as a complaint mass. 1,2,3
Not only are people affected by this game. Not thousands.

They are able to ban by banning, removing decoupling problems over people who want to play. Now we have to make a move to us:)

The union is strength, and we have many reasons for which you do see the Internet network and the whole world the reality of

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Waht Does One Nipple Piercing Mean

Want to be a member of Team

Guide entering the team of

1 - You have to be aware of when opening applications for Moderator, GM, Support. Then put the link where you can be aware of this: There should have a post with the theme: Applications to GameMaster [Open] . Come here to be aware of applications. In the thread I put all the requirements that must be raised in the application.

2 - Making a request neat, no spelling mistakes, with sections point to point. I see that you have carefully worked a little. Please note that a number of applications submitted will be accepted without looking, because there are always plugged in, "friends of people in the team" before the interview and will be chosen.

3 - Suppose you have been selected for the interview, send him an MP to the forum account or e-mail connected to this and cite him for a day at a time to enter the IRC channel ( Channel # . Once he was invited into the channel a new channel, which will be a few members of Team GA or GM usually veterans. Before going to the interview must be prepared, it is best to download the Skype or TeamSpeak and spoken in conversation with someone who has the rules of the game to go forward to helping you and telling the responses. When accessing the channel of the interview acting like you're little nervous.
In the interview notes do not have to tell you the rules as they always answered the questions well but with your words. never make the mistake of logearte forum is a very common failure. If you have them in the interview logearte will tell you, do not do as the interview on its own initiative. It is advisable to deliberately miss a question suspect not perfection.

4-In a week or so will give the results of the interview, if you have been selected, send a DPA (data protection) to be printed and completed by hand. Once completed should make a photocopy of an ID and scan the DPA.
and give a COMA page to put your data and send DPA with the DNI.
After a few days I will respond if the DPA & ID are accepted, after receiving confirmation that he will go to the interview conducted DPA & informing him that his ID was accepted successfully.
Then I will make a record in the IRC (but recorded) and give the necessary instructions to have the permissions as
Trial GM. The trial period usually lasts for 1 month depends on the course work.

From there, watch everything you do, because a party must have a supernatural patience, you can end up not only expelled but also banned all your accounts of the game. And if you want some advice: Do not trust anyone Team , do not tell your secrets or your intimate things. In the end no matter how good you'll end up falling behind giving the kick. A Salute

The Administration

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Artiste Collection Helzberg - The only "Don"; Hastings.

Starting with the roof: When the place where you should be able to express is swarming amordazantes alienated corrupt and the only that could clog the Inquisitor encourage code of silence and allow the outrages and abuses seems to be only the right to useless tantrum, the refuge of the desperate who refuse to budge.

But if you stop and distinguish between what should be and what it is, the rest is easy, and you just have to choose. I choose. Because
always choose where , even in the worst . I choose to find a place in which to express, not only without censure me, but my opinions are not persecuted and my words be deleted without explanation or réplica.Y right to do but shut up and follow jugando.Pero only silencio.Prefiero not play. I grant you this satisfaction .

Honey And Gall Stones - Introduction to the operation of Team

How the team:
Based on my experience as a member of the community for Vendetta (player, member, of the irc occasional visitor)

ante clarification is needed. THE TEAM DOES NOT CHARGE not get the privilege of any kind, either economic or forum privileges advantages in the game and other urban legends, as a member of the administration. The only charged for being there is Hastings, and obviously the company Gameforge.

Trial GMs, GMs in testing, GM: Game Master, SGM: Super GMS, GA: Administrators game

order not to jeopardize anyone not go into details of how the GM tool to detect violations in the game, but I will say, most likely their offense punishable tests are too often weak, uncertain, circumstantial or simply folding, the latter based on assumptions, that even though in many cases are successful (why deny it), especially if coming from a GM veteran, are just that, assumptions that do not pass the exam at least moderately severe.
There are 2 reasons that nobody really knows for sure why they have blocked access to the game (if it has not infringed), or how they have determined (if indeed it does so).

  1. "The first, and only offered to the player, is that if you explain how the breach detected some would do all it can to avoid being detected and not reveal it again gives a fair advantage to GM on the cheater.
  2. "The second, rarely expressed publicly, is that in some cases there is no conclusive proof or definitive, so if you were exposed to the alleged infringer could rebut it and perhaps make clear the inadequacy of the means available gaming operators, which would create uncertainty for users who might think that playing by the rules at a disadvantage compared to the artist of the traps.

Trial Mods: Moderators on test, Mods, Moderators, SMOD: Super Moderators, BA: Administrators Forum

Regarding the forum, the mod should keep their domains and levels of appropriate conversation enforce normas.Pero have much greater freedom in their work that GM, unfortunately this is not much and as soon as they are given power to give warnings, there are many who fall into temptation, consumed by that little power over other users, which gollum anillo.Por under the power of misfortune there is an excess of zeal in the performance of his "hobby."

As I have understood, is a mere impression, but watch the forum and judge for yourselves, Team in there absolute freedom ... to continue the string of Hastings or leave free to disagree equipo.Eres ... and leave or be expelled.

Although some may hesitate, too Team recognized the errors " yes, I was wrong, I gave you too much confidence you thrown out" "yes, I was wrong, I gave you too much confidence these banned" "Yes, I was wrong, I gave you too much confidence you can not play more games gameforge (false on the other hand, as is well known that more than one )"...
yet to see one: "yes, I was wrong, you were right, I should not expel" "Yes, I was wrong, you were right, I should not banearte" "Yes, I was wrong I should not insult" ...

Following the functioning of the administration. Does anyone know where to go beyond Hastings? Withhold this interesting topic for another day.

Does Goku Love Chi Chi? - Fear vs real fear unfounded

Since one of the goals of this blog is that people can express their views respectfully and reasonably believe that first of all should enhance the confidence of all who wish to do so, that fear is no longer an obstacle.
The fear of threats and pressure is normal and is justified in getting an mal.Por this we must first evaluate the real possibility of occurrence and then consider what harm we would cause if it were to occur. AND THEN DECIDE .
  • A first thing I will say that despite the constant threat of Hastings , no one has yet been reported, nor has taken their famous legal action, or the vast majority of cases there was reason to ello.Su best bet in these cases is the lack of sufficient legal knowledge by most users who make their daring ignorance on these issues becomes effective weapon repressor.
  • On the second subject I will simply invite you to think. Have you broken the rules of the game private, which is a contract? Expulsados.No will be surely no reason.
Have you violated any law SPANISH or your own country? What kind? How serious? Can it be demonstrated? How much would prove in time and money? Would be both profitable and feasible in practice?
Do you have violated law is German? What kind? How serious? Can it be demonstrated? How much would demonstrate in time and money? profitable and therefore would be feasible in practice?

And most importantly: What happens if the penalty is ONLY your expulsion from the game? Is it more serious to stop playing to stop abusing you and trample you as a person?

I propose you to play in compliance with the rules and complying with laws (English or your own country and German) and that if in anything you do not agree to follow the 2-way offer you as your disagreement is:
- with game (GM-EMS-GA- Hastings )
- or the forum (mod, Smod-BA- Hastings )

real and sincere and if you think you're right reconsider the 2 points that I gave it a few lines.

I would like to remind everyone who reads these lines that a contract is binding and must obey the law. From here do not promote, recommend, support or incite in any way that violates , however, there is always some way that does not infringe one or the other.