What is the tool of YouTube Video Identification?
What is the newest tool for YouTube Content Identification?
The Content Identification tool is the latest addition to YouTube offers to holders of copyright to identify and easily manage the content on YouTube. The tool creates ID files which are then contrasted with the material uploaded by the user and, if there is a match, you apply the policy preferences of the copyright holders. Rights owners can choose to block, track or monetize their content.
What are "ID files"? file digital content identification file which corresponds to a reference (like a movie content, music or other audiovisual material). This file is generated using Google software and is known as a "fingerprint."
Where does the reference library? The reference library is generated from copies of content or from ID files that come up content owners.
What is the level of accuracy of the Content Identification? The solution is very accurate in finding uploads that are similar to reference files and have the length and quality sufficient to generate an effective ID File. The system is tuned to provide the best possible automated matches while eliminating most false positive matches. Constantly synchronized the system to cope with attempts to circumvent it, therefore, we have no accurate indexes. Why
YouTube start using Content Identification? Since its launch in 2005, YouTube has made a commitment to give copyright owners the ability to maximize their choice on how their content is available on the site. Content Identification is the latest in a series of tools that YouTube offers content owners to more easily identify and manage the use of its content on the site.
What happens when Content ID identifies a match? If Content ID identifies a match between a file a user upload and material in the reference library, it applies the usage policy designated by the content owner. The usage policy tells the system what to do with the video. Matches can correspond only to the audio of a video uploaded, video only or both.
What kinds of usage policies are there? There are three usage policies: Blocking, Tracking and monetization. If a rights owner specifies a Block policy, the video will not be visible on YouTube. If the rights owner specifies a Track policy, the video continues available on YouTube and the copyright owner will receive information about the video, as the number of copies, for example. In a policy of monetization, the video still available on YouTube and ads will appear along with the video. Policies can be specific to a region, so the content owner can allow a particular material in one country and block the material in another.
Why is there a logo ('logo') or some other company advertising with this video? our content ID system found a match between the uploaded video and material in its reference library. Politics of use specified by the copyright owner of this material allows the video on YouTube to continue advertising. The content ID system also enables the content owner to place this badge next to the matching video, according to the system using their material.
What happens when Content ID identifies multiple matches for an upload? Wherever possible, the content ID applies all usage policies for all matches.
What if a video is blocked in the region of the uploader? The person who uploaded the video you will not see. Users who are in other regions will still be able to view and interact with the video as usual. The person who uploaded the video can still view, moderate and respond to video comments from the page "all comments". This page contains a URL with the format http://youtube.com/comment_servlet?all_comments&v=QCVxQ_3Ejkg . Is linked from http://youtube.com/my_messages?folder=inbox&filter=comments
How do I know if one of my videos was coincidence? A notification with the video on the "My videos " and the video will appear on the " Content ID matches .
match is wrong! Read our article on Claims content ID.
Source: http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/answer.py?hl=es-mx&answer=83766