access by friends
Hello readers and followers of the blog! As you can see a few weeks ago not to open Applications for Game Master, however there are new additions to the team. It is clear that friendships are top, preferring to stick to friends who users
More than a game team is a group of friends who are getting more friends to your computer . This is what happens when there is no detailed control over the team GameForge supposed to when you're a GM can not be MOD, and vice versa. As good as many people know it was GM as Kiedis, Egland and others, have now Moderators already been plugged into maintaining friendships with people at the top of the team. And these happen to pass quickly the Trial stage. Al = that mimosae few months ago was Moderator, and now turns out to be Super Game Master.
By this I mean that friendships are a lot and removed the possibility to other people who want to aspire to can not be made even by very well that the interview, because they are first the friends of people already part of Team.
All this you can see it clearly in clubs welcome fans and each member of the Team, in some cases it is clear that before someone entered the Team already had a friendship with the person selected.
There are people in the team valid for office, but there are other people who have no clue, and must be read manually every day going to do their work for lack of experience, so their work is slow and uncertain.
cases of people who have finished banned by a GM trial that he had no evidence, simply because one of the victims was his friend.
Playing a game in which a group of friends can do with your mind what you want and can not do anything if you take it, do not take 1, take the whole group of friends. A Salute
The administration
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